I think it's because the Alto CMS is just launched. Another thing is, there is not much English-speaking visitors in here, I think you're the first one that I've seen. I'm pretty sure there will be English version of this website, it's just a matter of time. In the meantime feel free to ask questions, I'm sure you'll find answers to your questions, we've a great community :)
not understand… if you installed Alto & delete the install directory, you must have login from index
Yes, that's correct. You should be able to login after you delete the INSTALL directory. Maybe something went wrong. Try uninstalling everything, also clear database and then install again.
Sometime it's depends on your server settings. But try uninstalling and reinstalling first.
Alto на мобиле нормально смотрится, просто надо некоторые баги подправить и некоторые функции спрятать которые на мобиле редко используют. И все будем путем.
— исправлены все баги полученные от пользователей (подробности смотрите на гите)
Скоро еще одно обновление будет ;)
Если я не сошел с ума, функциональны :)
не знаете когда появится 0.9.7? Может действительно лучше подождать.
Будем плагин заказывать или как?
Yes, that's correct. You should be able to login after you delete the INSTALL directory. Maybe something went wrong. Try uninstalling everything, also clear database and then install again.
Sometime it's depends on your server settings. But try uninstalling and reinstalling first.
Я бы заменил шрифт «Garamond Italic» на «Georgia».
По-моему я вас не правильно понял, но все равно решил не удалять коммент.