Alto with double speed (Article)

hello everyone,
This is an article How make altocms much faster?

for step 1:

Find '' => array('merge'=>false), in config.php and change with '___path.root.web___/templates/framework/js/share.js' => array('merge'=>false),.

step 2:

Download file attach and extract of zip .

step 3:

upload share.js in templates/framework/js folder.

Finish :-) now your website has double speed.


17 комментариев

Download file attach and extract of zip.
This file can be downloaded directly from
yes can be
double speed
I doubt it…
Do try and see :-)

This issue is about called {$aHtmlHeadFiles.js} in header file. and this code called share.js from another server so, you will see your site loader is so long, when you called share.js from your host with my article you will see your header js load very fast because it is loaded from your host no busy server that everyone loading from there.
What is the difference in speed between my server and Yandex?
Yandex server is slow?
Then continue the theme, recommend and fonts to download locally, not from the google servers
For sure
No Yandex is not slow, but because a lot of users are using the server and the server responds so late.
I don't know how much you know about IP Ports but whatever distance be far total sent and receive is more,

For example:
Do you know how many websites and members are using of this server load in them sites in per second??
If you believe that, you can also download to your server fonts, and not take them from google server :)
oops, repeat…
Its delusion. From Yandex CDN it will be downloaded faster because it is already cached for that url from other sites.
Just i give you suggest to try this way for see difference between speed from before and after.
its up to you which-one you want to use but please before try don't say its delusion!
I know what I said.
From YaCDN it will be cached once at all and all visitors of sites under control of LS/A will not download this file again — their browsers will got this file from its cache.

Your solution is fast only locally for one site (because this file will be packed into one solid js file). But:
1. You need to watch if yandex changes something in code. From CDN all users will receive new version automatically.
2. Thinking about users it is better to have one cached file for all LS-based sites than to load this lib for each site immediately.

..You don't save GA scripts, doesn't you?
Plus, as i know, yandex policy prohibits cache or store their system js files on your server(yandex maps js or other, i think yandex share too).
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Те, кто следят за репозитарием, могли заметить, что эта расширенная версия yashare (со счетчиками) при просмотре топика была внедрена более месяца назад.
Не отсюда ли растут ноги «вируса share.js»?
Только зарегистрированные и авторизованные пользователи могут оставлять комментарии.